Mass Index
Mass Index (MI) is a form of technical analysis that examines the range between high and low stock prices over a period of time. Mass index, developed by Donald Dorsey in the early 1990s, suggests that a reversal of the current trend will likely take place when the range widens beyond a certain point and then contracts.
For more information, please visit Investopedia.
Params & Instance Methods
#initialize @param series [Array] An array of arrays containing high and low prices, e.g. [[high, low], [high, low]] @param period [Integer] The number of periods to use in the calculation - default is 9 #call @return [Float] The current Mass Index value #valid? @return [Boolean] Whether or not the object is valid
require 'ruby-technical-analysis' series = [[38.125, 37.75], [38, 37.75], [37.9375, 37.8125], [37.875, 37.625], [38.125, 37.5], [38.125, 37.5], [37.75, 37.5], [37.625, 37.4375], [37.6875, 37.375], [37.5, 37.375], [37.5625, 37.375], [37.625, 36.8125], [36.6875, 36.3125], [36.875, 36.25], [36.9375, 36.5], [36.5, 36.25], [36.9375, 36.3125], [37, 36.625], [36.875, 36.5625]] period = 9 mass_index = series: series, period: period ) p mass_index.valid? # true p # 3.2236